Monday, December 22, 2008

christmas bowling indie lit interview juked john wang

there is no one in my house right now, except for the dog, and six cats. they are sort of boring me. when i drive down streets right now i put on the saddest and quietest music i can think of (bon iver right now) and watch the other people doing things. i have nowhere to be and nothing to do, therefore heavy traffic is not bothering me. emily is gone to various places in Texas, i hope she doesn't get lost. yesterday i put bookmarks for an author i like (stephen graham jones) in a barnes and noble. today i went back and the bookmarks were gone. nothing i do right now leaves any mark, except for about an hour. i want to leave a thing that will last longer than that, that someone will look at and think, Thanks, or, Yes, or, No, or, Asshole. the appropriate soundtrack for my current mood is the sound of a fan or something like a dripping, leaky sink. the following video represents the appropriate gift for a poet:

christmas bowling indie lit poet from alan rossi on Vimeo.

also: i am reading Breaking and Entering by Joy Williams. i am wishing it was summer.

also: there is an interview with good friend John Wang (Juked) on Matt Bell's website. click on the title of this post to get to it.


Ella Fits Gerald said...

we found ... road.
Thanks also for the JWang interview. And for that link on the sidebar, to Rick's essay.

Sam Ruddick said...

this thing you said - i want to leave a thing that will last longer than that, that someone will look at and think, Thanks, or, Yes, or, No, or, Asshole.

that's pretty much how i feel, too.

alan rossi said...

i am back from being away.

G, i'm glad the links to things are pleasing.

Sam, yes. i will go read your blog and send an email soon.

Ella Fits Gerald said...

More movies