Friday, December 5, 2008

'highly creative'

i started a blog because i live alone in an apartment in a larger house and don't really talk to anyone, except my students, my office mates for a couple minutes. so, this is my way of talking, i think. i live alone in an apartment because i got a 'real' job teaching college, but the girl i was living with also got a 'real' job in another state and so we decided we'd try to like 'commute' our relationship (a two hour drive) so we could maybe have some money. i regret this decision, in some ways, and in other ways being lonely has made me extremely productive and creative. 'highly creative period' right now.

i'm going to post some beatles music to end music week.

htmlgiant is really fun to read. according to statcounter, i think there are maybe six or seven people who read this blog, you should all go there now. there's a lot of arguing on htmlgiant about literature and different websites and it's all surprisingly petty. i'm really entertained by it. it also makes me not want to ever comment on anyone else's blog or get 'involved' with internet lit too much. meaning i will probably close this blog when my year in tennessee is over.

anyway, if you follow the post titled ‘How to Get Linked on HTML Giant’: A 2 Step Primer, read the comments there, and then follow some of the next posts dealing with similar subjects (deleting authors from web archives, the indie in-crowd, etc) it's entertaining. i'm bad at linking things, so this is linked above in the title of the post and here: scroll down a bit for that first post that gets things going. i want to say: i don't know nor have i talked to any of these people ever, maybe because I very rarely submit to online places (not out of malice, i just write longer, possibly more print friendly things, though it's not like i have a load of print pubs) (edit: i have talked to Matt Bell, who's mentioned in some post as having a chapbook, which i'm going to order - he was very cool and recently took a story of mine for Hobart's online thing), but I do read some of these people and I like a lot of their stories. i think it's odd that the apparatus (this weird internet space) causes/allows for stuff like this, which seems petty. that said, htmlgiant also is doing really neat and worthwhile things. so, i still think it is 'dumb and good' at the same time.


Ella Fits Gerald said...

guess i'm not really cynical after life might be different if i'd read that htmlgiant thread about 3 weeks ago

Ella Fits Gerald said...

depressing's what it is, i mean to say

Ella Fits Gerald said...

did u read this one?

Ella Fits Gerald said...

(less depressing) these people are ......

Ella Fits Gerald said...

I take it back. everything sucks

alan rossi said...

your comments are really funny. the progression is good. i keep reading them over and over.

i read that entry you linked up some time ago. it was an attempt, i think, at being more even-tempered. i think html giant is interesting, especially the lean toward the 'avant-garde'.

glad to see 971 back up, by the way. when is your blog going to be blogging?