Sunday, February 8, 2009

february Hobart

is live. there are good writings over there. thanks to matt bell for putting together a very cool issue. i really like the picture with my story. it makes me laugh every time i look at it.

i no longer have a fever.

i have not had coffee in over a week.

i've lost between 7 and 10 pounds.

i washed all my clothes and sheets so that i won't reinfect myself. i'm not sure this is even possible or necessary.

i woke up on friday night sweating so much that i had soaked the sheets through a shirt i was wearing. i think that's when the fever 'broke.'

interestingly, amoxicillin only costs four us dollars.

decongestants really do have a purpose.

i'm still having a 'hard time' remembering things. like emily played a song last weekend and i said, That sounds a little like Elliot Smith. and she said, It is Elliot Smith. that happened to me all week. i think it's evidence that the fever killed parts of my brain.


Sam Ruddick said...

decongestants are wonderful things. especially when you're not sick. i'll take a look at hobart soon. you might take a look at elimae. heard of this one? online journal. supposedly responds in 72 hours. greg napp and peggy price are in the january issue. i haven't read peggy's yet but greg's is only five sentences or so and it's quite good. manages to surprise in spite of its length.

i just sent them three shorts.

alan rossi said...

yes, elimae's great. always strong work. i sent to them one time, a probably bad thing, which i got back quickly with some kind words. i probably won't ever send again because i never write 'flash' things and don't really care to. the hobart thing is a 'rarity' i think.

i will link to greg's story in my next post. i liked it. good job being in elimae, Greg.

peggy's thing is good, but i never knew her really.

Ella Fits Gerald said...

i wrote a comment earlier, then the power went out and i lost it. so here's a shorter version:
glad you're not dead--congrats on that--sounds like you had a bad time
i liked the hobart story(s). Nice things pulling them together in nice non-linear ways.
Thanks for liking the elimae too. Sam too.

the comment that i lost had more pizazz
it also had some content that i've now forgotten