Monday, February 16, 2009

today i heard a guy yelling into his cell phone

i was walking to class today. it was sunny, cold, windy out, and there was a guy sitting in his car screaming, You haven't changed. You're not capable of change. If you changed, I don't know what I'd do. then he took his cell phone and banged it on his steering wheel three times. by this point, i had stopped walking and was pretending to look at a tree so that i could hear him. after banging the cell phone on the steering wheel, he said in a calmer voice, You still there?

i saw The Wrestler. it's as good as everyone says. the story isn't necessarily new, but it's effective and Rourke's performance really is terrific. also, bruce springstreen knows how to write affecting songs for movies. good job bruce springsteen.

i had a pork poblano this weekend that was amazing. i'll probably now want to go to this restaurant to eat for several weeks in a row, at least once a week, possibly twice week, until i get tired of eating pork poblanos.

one of our cats is really into The Empire Strikes Back.


Ella Fits Gerald said...

thanks for the laughs -- i think i'll probably think of this guy later and chuckle, maybe even for a couple of days
"you still there?"

i still think about your run-in with the guy who wanted to paralyze you...the sheriff paraphernalia makes it stick in my it reminds me of this guy who stopped behind me after i'd parked at wal-mart and said, leaning down and across his passenger to talk through his window, "You want that truck?" He was in a Buick, I think--something brown. Since I was trying to sell my truck at that time (had a sign in the back window) I thought he'd said "How much you want for that truck?" But then i realized he was angry. I said, "Sorry?" He said, "You want that truck?" And I was pretty confused because I already had that truck. Then he said something about pulling out in front of him, and then, "I'll BUST you up." Meaning I'll ram you with my Buick and destroy you! I went inside, but I kept my eyes open.

Alice. said...

It's been a long time since I saw The Empire Strikes Back, so I was pretty sure the man in the foreground was a young George W. Bush. It's still all I can see, but now I'm sure it's not him.

alan rossi said...

greg, i'm glad you didn't get rammed. that sounds sort of gross now that i see it written.

alice, that is harrison ford.