Sunday, October 25, 2009

essays huh

more and more i have no idea what to talk about on here. i will talk about how i'm not writing much now. haven't written a new story since sometime this late summer early fall. it might be the time where my brain is getting a bunch of stuff into it so that it may spit all the stuff it has gotten out. i'm thinking of making a book of essays. i'm thinking about writing a new essay about "indie" lit, online stories, versus print. i just became an assistant editor at juked. i really love juked so am super happy grateful honored to be a part of it. i think this is the place to say though, that while i love juked, i'm not necessarily involved or care to be involved in the indie lit scene. in the same way, i don't care to be involved in the mainstream lit scene. in fact, i'm pretty sure, more and more, everingly, that i don't want to be in any scene. i'm glad to be editing and want to help juked get some really good stories. other than that, i sort of want to dance on the weekend, run far and hard, write stories, play ping pong, tennis, hike with the dog, teach a class about fiction, eat, water, trees, shifting clouds, cat hair everywhere, our missing cat, our cat who has been missing a week now, the one with the laser eyes a couple posts back, looking for that cat, hounding the neighborhood streets, that's pretty much it. but i don't care to be a proponent of indie lit. seems like other people have that covered. this is all for myself, so i can slipped into juked comfortably with none of my codes about myself compromised.

here are the individual titles of the essays:

Flannery O'Connor's Christian Horror: The Horror of the Self

Joyce's Language of History

"Each Confirms a Prison"

Breaking Up Gass and Gardner: An Introduction to the Great Fiction War

all these written. here are ideas for ones:

The Minimalists are So Hard to See

This South, That South (on the two popular modes of representing the "south" in writing; one coming from a Faulknerian tradition, the other a bit more "modern", not necessarily better)

Authentic, Experimental Indie Lit: We Are So Right, Right?

the idea would be to start in the way back, then move forward through time. probably won't actually do this though. just been thinking of it too much. i'm gone gone.


Sam Ruddick said...

i haven't written (and finished) a new story since may of 08.

alan rossi said...

naw, you're working on a novel. doesn't count probably.