Thursday, November 20, 2008

if you switch the s and the p in the word "blogspot" up in the url, you will go to:
BIBLECOLLEGEONLINE.COM. wow. i don't condone such a site nor do i read bibles.

i taught Beattie, Carver, and Rick Barthelme today. earlier in the week i taught Pynchon and Donald Barthelme. it was hard teaching the 'minimalists' because they're so quiet. with Pynchon and those guys you can interpret and find meaning and explain things away - they're good for teaching is what i'm saying. with Carver and folk, it's harder to teach, i think because what's there is there, and you either get it or not. i don't know. i wasn't going to talk about teaching on here, but now i am.

also: i said i was going to post on some things, like creative writing programs and online and print stuff, etc, and i probably will, sometime. i think the general thing i have to say about it is 'incestuous.' that's how it's always been though, going back to the modernists. people publish their friends. i think that's pretty okay, both in the print and online world. more soon.

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