Wednesday, December 10, 2008

yates williams williams gass more please

a friend of mine ( talked about wanting fiction to read for his blog. so i want to post what i'm reading because all i read is fiction, except for online poems.

Collected Stories of Richard Yates. I don't even know if it's called this, but it has both Eleven Kinds of Loneliness and Liars in Love, as well as uncollected stories. i like his clear, simple style. his sentences aren't 'adorned' but they are clear and, i don't even know how to talk about this. you just have to read Richard Yates' stories.

Taking Care and Breaking and Entering by Joy Williams. i like the stories in Honored Guest a lot, except maybe two. i liked parts of The Quick and the Dead, but it seemed more prose-y and affected. i've wanted to read Breaking and Entering for a long time, just because the book sounds like something i want to do. these two people live in other people's houses on the beach when the other people are gone. i like being in other people's houses. i like house sitting. i don't like stealing, i just like being in some other place i don't know anything about. it reminds me of that Carver story, whose name i can't remember.

Finding a Form by William Gass. maybe it's Habitations of the Word i want to re-read. one of his. the one with "Representation and the War for Reality" in it. i'll have to look. i think his essays are better than his books, except for In the Heart of the Heart of the Country and Omensetter's Luck. parts of Cartesian Sonata are fun to read. Willie Masters' Lonesome Wife is an interesting object. i'm either not smart enough for The Tunnel or something.

i will then try to read one Diane Williams book and try not to stop writing altogether.

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