Friday, February 26, 2010

my office is in the language lab

i have no idea. i keep hearing "uscupstate esta bien" from various voices. my tire was flat this morning. i think it got slashed. i timed myself changing t he thing because i can't help competing with anything. i changed it in under ten minutes and at the same time gave someone (this girl) directions. i was on the ground changing the tire and she asked "if i make a left up there at that intersection, can i make another left then another left?" yes, i told her. that was a possibility. "are you sure?" she said. "there's no like one way streets that are gonna mess me up." i think i made an aggravated gesture at this point. one of the lugnuts and the stud was completely stripped (how does that happen?) so i'm hoping it's okay to drive with three lugnuts today.

i have gotten some rejections. and by some, i mean like a million. this book i wrote last year has now been officially rejected by everyone (sent it to four places). so, uh, okay. one rejection i got in two weeks. the rest took five or six months. so at least there was some anticipation.

saw shutter island. i think it's a remake of the ninth configuration, which happens to be sillier and better. i read justin taylor's everything here is the best thing ever and was going to blog about it, but then i saw a review of it in nytimes so i figured blogging was unnecessary. i have no will to blog.

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