Saturday, February 19, 2011

enter the void: do you have any drugs?

i saw Enter the Void yesterday. this is a movie i've been aching for, seriously jealous of people who'd seen it and showing the trailer to everyone who i imagined hadn't seen the trailer. i thought Irreversible was strong, but wanted to see what Noe would follow up with. here is my take on Enter the Void:

do you have any drugs? i'm like looking for some drugs right now. your sister is hot. she's my sister, dick. let's get some drugs. good idea. is this book like about death or something? yeah, it's called tibetan book of the dead and it's really trippy. death is like really trippy. yeah, let's take some drugs. yeah. but be careful. why? because drugs are trippy. yeah, i know, i've taken them before. hey. what? this guy has drugs, but he'll like maybe rub poop in your hair or something because he's a pretty hardcore drug dealer. oh, that sucks, but he has like drugs right? oh yeah, we can go get some tonight. that's cool, because i want my sister to live with me. our parents died. yeah, that sucks, you told me. oh yeah. your sister's hot. yeah i know. i'm probably going to give her some drugs. good idea. oh wait, i'm dead now, i got shot. what's really weird about getting shot and being dead is like i'm tripping some of the time like it said in tibetan book of the dead. oh really, that's really thematic. yeah, lights and stuff are cool. yeah, when you're tripping lights and stuff are really trippy. i like sex. yeah. with my sister. trippy.

completely honestly, after the first twenty minutes, this was easily the most boring movie i've seen all year.

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