Thursday, January 3, 2013

was sick for some days and then when i was no longer sick it was very grey out and i still felt sick.  and then the next thing that happened was that i knew it was january 1, which i believed somehow through some error was a monday, and for the next three days i thought it was one day before it actually was even though i knew the date (monday instead of tuesday, etc).  and so even though i knew the date, say, on january 3, i still thought it was wednesday, until i talked to my wife and she reminded me to pick her up at the airport, to which i was like, i don't understand, you are coming home on thursday, and she was like, it is thursday dumbhead, and i was like, you're completely insane, let me check my computer, and i did, and she was right.  in this way the thing got sorted out and depressed me. and so, no longer sick, i felt even sicker, because i somehow had lost a day of my life and would have to go back to teaching again sooner than i had originally believed or conceived, though in actuality i knew the real and actual date and the date i would begin teaching again (jan 14) and so i knew the amount of days before i would begin teaching because i knew the current date (jan 3), but still because i had the days of the week wrong, i felt desperately as though i had lost a day and probably the rest of my life.

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