Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wal-Mart Realism

this happened to me: last week a man at walmart told me he was going to take me out into the parking lot and paralyze me. he was really mad. he was yelling at me in the middle of walmart, people were staring, and he was saying i was jeopardizing his family. he pointed back to them: there stood a woman with dark hair, two children, and an empty shopping cart. the man was saying this because i went around him in traffic. i didn't cut him off, i went around him, but that's okay. he didn't really let me say much, though i did say that i didn't cut him off. he said i didn't cut him off, but i went around him illegaly. so, in walmart, with a set of toy guns in my hands for my halloween costume and a plastic sherriff badge, he said he was going to take me out in the parking lot and paralyze me. he was very clear about this. he said i should be paralyzed for the rest of my life. i told him that he probably wasn't going to do that. that made him angrier. he stuck a finger in my face and yelled some more. many children seemed interested and awed. the guy in front of me in line dropped his bananas. the yelling guy said he was going to call the cops right now, this minute. i said he should and that he'd probably be in trouble for harrassing me. he yelled more about how i was jeopardizing his family. i apologized, but said i didn't think i was. then i paid for my toy guns and badge and left.

i will write some more about the stories and stuff over to the right later. i'm confident that no one is reading this.

oh. good work Barack Obama.

1 comment:

KGifford said...

If I was there, I bet he would've left.......I would have chest bumped him. He would have left, scared of me......cause that's how I roll.
:) katie