Tuesday, December 23, 2008

story with pictures

a friend of mine used to make these, but with good prints. i'm not a photographer. click on the pictures to read the text.


Ella Fits Gerald said...

I like the one about the pot. Funny.

Ella Fits Gerald said...

oh...what was the name of your friend who used to make these?

Sam Ruddick said...

i like the last one best, i think, but i like them all. have you tried to write stories like this? deja's been writing these poems by cutting pictures out of magazines and putting them all together and fishing them out of a hat or something similar. it started as an exercise for creative writing students but then she started doing it too and she came up with some really weird stuff about pretty cancers and red robins and such.

alan rossi said...

G, the name of the friend is J. Marcus Weekley, who makes all kinds of good art. he's googleable.

Kenny, where you at?

Sam, you should tell Deja to post them on her blog. i think i made these because i was bored and wanted to write a short thing.

Kenny said...

i've been all over the place, but im back in new orleans now. where are you?

Carrie said...

I knew J. Marcus Weekly. He went to USM. I think he must have been influenced by FB's Picture Stories.

alan rossi said...

hi carrie. how are you?

those things by fb are fun. it wouldn't surprise me if marcus had seen them, though his were more object-y, like actually typed-on pictures run through a typewriter, sort of dirty. i don't know. it was a long time ago. that sort of stuff was big in texas tech's art department whenever i was there.