Saturday, January 3, 2009

low-media with mid-level-emotional-content post

we went to a place called edisto island in south carolina. i got almost nothing done there, but i ate a lot of good food and saw people i hadn't seen for a while and that was good. the natural progression of all things is for them to get further away, i think, and to become apart, and then to return. this is evidenced by rivers and probably, i think, by moths. this is why moth balls are necessary in certain climates. i have other things to say but i don't know the words for them yet. all things written on this blog should be viewed as mildly sarcastic in an attempt to combat deeper feelings of lostness sometimes. but right now i feel full of coffee and pleased because none of the cats crapped on the floor, or if they did the lady who looked after them did a fine job. thank you lady.

i (or we) received the following material possessions, some of which might be helpful to the soul:

Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre
Chilly Scenes of Winter by Ann Beattie
East Bay Grease by Eric Miles Williamson (on a rec from Stephen Graham Jones, an excellent writer who I haven't linked to yet - if you like horror, you should read Demon Theory).
The Brothers by Frederick Barthelme (a hardback, signed copy from a used bookstore).
a Nintendo Wii, with Mario Kart
three sweaters

1 comment:

Sam Ruddick said...

you're philosophizing, mr. rossi.

will look into demon theory.