Thursday, January 29, 2009

lets do a freewrite and get back into our writing space okay

i'm not going to awp

i'm not a real writer i don't think

i think what happens at awp is real writers 'get together' and talk about writing and conference with each other

they do writing 'exercises' i think

then they get drunk

we can conference with each other then get drunk alone

hey, write something that's really wild, you know

some of your guys's stuff is out there, i mean, it's really interesting, but it's out there

let's empower each other to keep at it

if somebody really nails a piece, i think it's okay to tell them, you know, you really nailed that one

that one was the field goal that one it all, man

let's share the rough stuff

it's all about the emotion you know


Sam Ruddick said...

i always sort of thought it was the other way around, that awp was where the not writers went to talk about not writing, then went drinking, which is also not writing.

i think they know each other. i think that's why they seem like real writers.

a guy who's home alone writing, well, nobody knows that guy. so nobody's ever head of him.

this is the bedtime story i tell myself, anyway.

Ella Fits Gerald said...

I went. I did not talk about writing a single time. Also I did not meet any new people or do any networking. I think I tasted a bit of sarcasm in the post? I hope. Practice scornfulness. That's what I do, even though I don't really need the practice. I scorn naturally. I scorn fairly. I scorn the comments I am making at this very moment. I'm too sexy for this song.

alan rossi said...

yeah no, i mean, i've gone to conferences. i went to awp years ago. it was a lot of fun. i had to be sarcastic because i really wanted to go this year to see people. so i think when i want something i can't have i make fun of it. i should stop doing that.

that whole post should be in quotes i think.

greg, when will we ever get moderately drunk and play wii again?

sam, i think probably a lot of 'real' writers go. it was like a big thing whenever i went when i was at texas tech. did you like any of those independent publishing houses?

Ella Fits Gerald said...

Oh, I had a blast--the most fun I've had in years. I bet I'll do a better job of it when I go again, even if I don't have as much fun. For one thing, I actually know a few people through 971 that I might like to meet. It will also be better when I have actual work to shop around. Etc. etc.

That's why I scorn myself. I know I'm doing the easy thing--it's easy to scorn people who take themselves too seriously, but it's also easy accidentally scorn people who are really trying. It's easy to get them mixed up, especially when one hasn't really tried oneself, and so doesn't know how painful trying can be, except on an intellectual level. It's easy to be a bastard, in other words. I'm bored with this paragraph.

When, indeed, will we Wii? I wish I knew. I didn't play it for months after I spent many many hours beating Zelda, but I picked it up again a couple of weeks ago, Wii Sports mostly. What's your fitness age?

alan rossi said...

my best wii fitness age is 25. i hover betwee 32 to 38, typically. i'm very disappointed with myself, as i feel i should be hovering between 24 and 29.

what is yours?

everyone who has a wii please list your wii fitness age. don't lie please.