Wednesday, January 28, 2009

wow bro i've really changed alot but that's just life ya know

my car has a ball-joint 'problem' and leaks oil

i am now lactose intolerant

two of our cats have tapeworm, we have not seen the worms yet

one of our cats has a urinary tract infection, he pees alot

another one of our cats has a serious drinking problem

i bought some new hot sauce and 'can't wait' to use it

oh man

well i guess everyone has their things in life they have to deal with, right?


Kenny said...

haha, this is funny.

Patrick said...

there's nothing funny about an alcoholic feline. one killed my uncle in a bar fight. ugly, ugly scene.

emily koth said...

you weren't supposed to tell anyone about the tapeworm problem. and though we may not have seen the "full" worm yet, we do see segments. you know, those things you thought were rice on their butts.

Ella Fits Gerald said...

rice on their butts hahahaaha
also, the quotes around can't wait

Ella Fits Gerald said...

i have a chart where i keep track of poo and piss

not mine

alan rossi said...

i was going to respond to each of these comments individually, but that seems like a lot of work.

doing a blog is a lot of work, yo. you guys feel me?

a poo and piss chart also sounds like a lot of work.

Ella Fits Gerald said...

doing a blog is a lot of work, yo. you guys feel me?

I always thought it would be. That's why I don't have one.

Plus I bet you feel obligated to post something now and again. Especially when people read and comment.

It's fun for us though. Or, me anyway.