Monday, February 2, 2009

weird fever

today i got home from teaching to sleep because i was having a fever. someone gave me sickness. my students come up to me and say things like, I'm sick today. i have to tell them to stop doing this. so i got home after class at 12 or so and went to sleep. i had a fever of 101, not too bad, but i felt bad. anyway, i went to sleep. then i heard loud pounding. i woke up, i don't know how long i had been asleep. i was very confused when i woke up. the room was yellow? that made me worried. why was the room yellow? the banging sound went on. i went to my front door, which leads to a hallway where there is a main door, an entrance to the duplex where i live. a man was standing there. i was very confused. he was standing not at my door, just in the hallway, which was yellow-tinted. You can come in whenever, I said. he stared at me. I mean, I'll just leave the door open, I said. Then you can come in and do whatever needs done. I think I have a leak. I'm not feeling well, so just come in. he stared at me. i went and sat down on my bed, leaving my door open. after a few minutes, i realized i shouldn't have left my door open because my cat could get out. i went to the front door again and asked the man if he had seen a black cat. No, he said. he held a hammer; i had not seen it before. he started banging away on the front door to the duplex. So you don't want in my apartment? I said. he said no. a few minutes after that, i got on a bunch of clothes and went out in the snow and yelled for my cat. i found him an hour later hiding under the sink. the hammering was scaring him. then i went to sleep again.


Kenny said...

that sucks that you were sick. keep posting buddy, i look forward to reading.

Sam Ruddick said...

i've been having some weird nightmares, myself. i wondered at first, whether or not you were going to tell me this yellow tint and this man with a hammer were part of a dream.

Deja said...

a prose poem?

(sorry you were/are sick. hate that.)

Patrick said...

no, that guy was trying to get in your apartment. and he was using a hammer to do it. you caught him just in time.

alan rossi said...

that whole thing with the guy at the door felt very dreamlike. i wasn't really fully awake, but was somehow walking around. i don't know how it happened. i will be posting again soon. is anyone else sick? sam are you feeling better?

Ella Fits Gerald said...

I had diarrhea and puke yesterday, then chills and a fever. Now all that's left is a headache. I'm at school now. Fortunately, there are no English classes today, so I can enjoy my headache in peace. The doctor said it was digestive tract inflammation, but I was afraid I had the flu. Guess the doctor was right, and I'm happy about it.

Ella Fits Gerald said...

Oh, meant to start that last comment with a "hope you're feeling okay now," but as usual, I got involved with thinking about myself.

alan rossi said...

haha. thank you. glad you are feeling better. i still have a fever of 101, going on seventh day. never had a fever so long, i think bad things might be happening to my brain. they put my on antibiotics today for secondary infection type stuff 'cause i've had a fever so long.

Ella Fits Gerald said...

holy crap