Saturday, May 22, 2010

wigleaf is nice

happily suprised to see wigleaf's top 50 of 2009 included one of my stories. that was nice to see. thank you wigleaf. really. like, that was really nice. wow. also, one of mine is on the longlist. also, again, nice to see. wow. um. i've read many of these stories from the top 50 before i saw them here and so here are my favorites that i read before i saw them in the top 50: "We Cannot Cross the River," "Graduate Seminar," "What Happened," "I Cook, I Clean," "Cat in Mouth," "Modern Love," "A Sinking." now i have to go read the rest.

also, will anyone be in england, france, or italy between june 24th and july 21st? that will be fun if you are going to be there. we will be there.

oh, i am married now. emily and i are married. we got married in the probate court. the woman who married us had on a pink sweatshirt with a kitten's face on it. that rocked. one of my friends knocked out a racist at a bar. that was pretty cool. it's summer. pretty sweet. emily got a new tennis racquet. awesome. there's beer. cool. got my grandfather's old wedding band. badass. killed a squirrel. pretty sad. saw the squirrel wasn't actually dead yet after i hit it and had to re-run over it to make sure it wasn't suffering. even sadder. saw a purple sky and a hazy moon. rad.


Ella Fits Gerald said...

alan rossi said...

G returns. that video is gone now. there's something about the way that kid smokes that makes me believe no one else could possibly smoke in such a way.