Tuesday, June 8, 2010

oh, retinas, monkeybicycle

in ohio for a short week where the spring is still spring and my mother has a detached retina possibly from an enormous sneeze; in ohio, that sad heartland, where i've seen an old friend and missed another, and many babies have arrived and taken over. in ohio, that land of rain, watching ray allen drop 8 threes, the dog afraid of the floors. while here, Monkeybicycle picked up a story of mine. i read this story in spartanburg and then everyone disappeared to other places in the country and i felt something go with all of them. europe is happening soon and we need a clothesline. i feel like i'm on the verge of being on the verge, which, with that repetition of verge, sounds a little perverted.


Jameelah Lang said...

Yeah, boyee! That story was meant to be somewhere awesome. See you soon in the 'Burg?

alan rossi said...

word. we should still be in town when you get to town. got some new stuff. want to trade?