Saturday, September 25, 2010

modern racism

i got home from work one day last semester and a blue truck - the kind with metal bars in front of the grill and spotlights for offroading and oversized tires - screeched down my street and did a quick u-turn. my attention was on the truck; i didn't want one of the cats hit. then, from the bushes across the street, scrambled a man wearing suit-pants and a tie, without the suit jacket, running up the street the opposite way the truck had come. he looked like he was probably employed as a teller at a bank. the truck, still doing work to complete the u-turn, backed up, and again peeled out after the guy running up the street, his tie aflap. the truck caught up to him, and the man ducked onto someone's porch, threw a couple pots and kicked some plants. the man in the truck told him to get in, at which point the man kicking the plants and throwing pots on the porch began shouting, She's fucking a black guy. A black guy. Your sister, my wife, is fucking black guy. then he began screaming "nigger-fucker" repeatedly. i was holding a credit card offer from chase and one of our cats was rubbing against my leg. eventually the man got in the truck. later, the police arrived. they put some of the pots back on the porch where the scene occurred.


Sam Ruddick said...

i like this one. publish this one.

alan rossi said...

that's kind of you to say. i think it's probably too anecdotal though, right?

also: what's going on in your world?