Wednesday, October 6, 2010

can't get much worse (or better)

there's nothing even remotely funny about my life, someone said at work today.

i woke up afraid late in the night, believing a dead animal was on the floor. it was my hat, i learned, after poking at it.

i watched someone walk up to an suv of some kind, remove a purse, walk away with the purse, look through it, then return the purse to the suv and jog away.

let's keep this dialogue going, he said to me, then walked off.

twice now, i have seen my neighbor take his dog on a walk just as it's beginning to rain.

there comes a point where it becomes unclear whether the life you're living is real or not.

one of our cats is becoming terribly fat on squirrels and chipmunks. it appears that we force feed her.

there were geese crossing the road today and i just couldn't not get out of my car and wave my hands at them.

a man once walked down our street shouting, You'll be sorry when i'm gone. i'm the greatest thing ever happened to you and you'll be fucking sorry i'm gone now. cause i'm gone, you hear me. gone.

one of my students drives a school bus, surprisingly.

i told one of my classes that i fail at least fifteen students a semester.

it becomes more and more difficult to make things go slow.


Sam Ruddick said...

the hat detail is nice, here.

alan rossi said...

that same night, with the hat, i believe i had a fairly terrifying dream about satan or some other demon.