Tuesday, November 9, 2010

modern racism 2

a policeman with aviator sunglasses tackled a guy across from my house. he tackled him, pushed his head into the ground, put his knee on the guy's back, then cuffed him. the guy sat on the curb, spitting some, while the cop talked on his radio and kind of strutted around. some other cops came over the train tracks. one was a girl and she jumped the railroad gate and then talked into her radio, too. the last cop was overweight and couldn't figure out a way over the train track gate. he kept trying to step over this gate, which was wrapped in barbed wire. his hat fell off. then he tried to wiggle his way between the barbed wire, but his gunbelt got stuck. eventually he yelled to the cops near the cuffed man, Hey, somebody come hold this up for me.

later, a policeman came to our house and asked if i'd seen anything suspicious. i said not really. i said i often saw people walking over the tracks, but that that was normal. to which he replied, black guys?


Patrick said...

did you say, No, fat cops, mostly.

alan rossi said...

oh, i wish i would have.