Monday, December 6, 2010

welcome to my destroyed ankle

day one: balloon foot.

day two: balloon achilles.

one week: no balloons, just sadness.

i don't believe i have ever sprained my left ankle before. i have sprained my right ankle, to various degrees, about six times. i would call this a second degree sprain, i think. there are three degrees. some people say there are five, or four, but i think there are just three: mild, moderate, severe. this latest ankle sprain i would rate, of my sprains, as tied for the most painful, but probably only third in ugliness of appearance. after a week, i'm able to apply weight and walk on the outside of my foot. for some odd reason, though i rolled my foot inward (an inversion, the most common type, i'm pretty sure), most of the really acute pain is on the inside of my ankle and higher up into my leg, making it appear that i somehow injured the deltoid ligament, though not really sure how. there's also considerable bruising on inside of foot, but didn't feel like taking anymore pictures. dorsiflexion is still pretty limited after a week; inability to fully point toes or really bring the toes up at all. ankle feels "tight" up and down and "loose" side-to-side. i believe i screamed fuck for a solid three minutes immediately after the injury occurred. there happened to be three or four kids who were playing some futbal near us and when i finally stopped screaming fuck, these poor children were no longer playing futbal and seemed as if they might never play it again. felt like, after i was done screaming fuck and i tried to apply some weight and walk off the field, that people were running around saying things like "get some ice," and "i'll get some ice" and "what you need to do is, sit down" and "you look pretty pale" and "take off that shoe" and then "no, keep his shoe on" and "yeah, he's looking white" and hearing myself say, upon trying to stand and walk, "i think i'm going to pass out" but that never actually happening. remember being more angry than anything because i kept thinking now i can't finish this game and i won't be able to run or play futbal or swing a tennis racket for like four weeks, maybe three if i really do a good job getting the swelling down and just continually thinking, man, this is bullshit. but then later i saw someone on crutches at the grocery store who didn't have a leg and i felt like i should try hard to stop limping. later still, emily made me feel better by explaining that i had stopped the goal and it all looked very "cool." until you began screaming like a little boy, she added.


Unknown said...

The moral of the story is that you stopped the goal!

alan rossi said...

that's what i took away from it, too.

Kenny said...

alan, your ankle looks terrible. just awful. i strained my achilles playing soccer a few months ago. did i tell you that already? it wasn't too too bad; not nearly as bad as this thing you're dealing with.

alan rossi said...

kenny, i have exercises that will help your achilles. helped mine a lot. it's been almost three and a half months and the ankle is feeling a lot better. probably close to 8o percent.

i haven't been keeping up with this blog at all. let's email some things.