Wednesday, May 25, 2011

what there is, sometimes

the only thing to learn from stories are stories. or paragraphs. or sentences. or words. stories are in this world but always about another. someone has said dreams and everyone hates that.

western philosophy is always about another world. the one made up by the philosopher, ha. here it is best to debate which philosophy is more accurate. existentialists like to win.

when i read a story, i look at the mind through which the story was created. then maybe the publication information or the typeface and often read the last sentence first and wait for it like a wave seen far away. sometimes that sentence gets louder and sometimes it comes in just a brush of skin, which is okay.

watch the mind enough and some stillness reveals itself. it's the same with a story or driving on a motorcycle the very first time. one should, if driving a motorcycle the very first time, wear the proper gear (helmet, etc) and do the proper low-wave and wear the proper face, for people can tell.

it is the wanting that is the problem and then it isn't. a lot like raining or a train going.

there is a homeless man who wears cyclist gear and rides around our town. he is properly dressed for what he is doing and yet everyone knows what he is, i think, because he doesn't really hide it. we like to hide it: that we are just wandering around. i want to often just wander around and then there it is, wanting, and then there it is gone, just wandering, again, oh yeah.

the sameness between stories and mind is this: an imagined ego. here we go again: the individual, the personal and the breaking through of that or the fear of the breaking through of that or the looming of the breaking. oh, not the doors.

as soon as we say it's all about the emotion or the sentence or the language or the rhythm we say what or how? say craft or say write or say lose yourself or say read.

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