Friday, June 24, 2011

just saw a car drive by which read "COUGAR" along the side but sadly was driven by a man.

didn't drink coffee for days and thought, Cool, i get to have a big coffee.

been having some serious cramping in left leg while running and my wife keeps saying, Maybe you have diabetus.

really want to play on a grass tennis court.

i like walking out on a tennis court before a match and feeling the court under me and being on it and being in the world of a new kind of awareness.

a baby racoon lived in our house for a night.

saw a man make a shack in the woods near our house.

a woman tossed a check at me today at work.

had a dream where there was a great wind and all the buildings were shaking greatly in the wind and i was riding a bike in an unknown city searching for someone i didn't know.

the cicadas work in the morning but take afternoons off, i thought insanely today. i've seen their skins still holding onto trees and it made me wish people molted. people shapes climbing trees or laying on the sidewalk or holding a lampost but no one there.

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