the point of twitter is to make people think they are the funniest/cleverest people alive but then, through the following of others, send people into a kind of despairing loneliness in which they scrutinize and self-analyze and sincerely question whether they are truly the funniest/cleverest people alive, which in turn causes them to have a great need to prove, both to themselves and others, that they are in fact very funny and clever, and that others are not, which of course turns into a kind of vicious and desperate cycle (not unlike irl) where people are constantly comparing their quality of cleverness/funniness to the same quality in others, thus perpetuating the twitter 'universe' and ending with all of us at war, as we've always been, but this time not over religion or oil or territory, but over who is the funniest/cleverest twitterer, millions of little personal wars, probably with kitchen utensils as basic weaponry, thin, pale, clever, funny people, arguing sarcastically at one another until they all end up trying to strangle each other, all strangling each other simultaneously, which will be the end of mankind, a twitter revolution, in which the few remaining morons step away from their screens to populate the planet with dumber, technologically disinclined beings, who will live peacefully forever.
I don't have the attention span for this... can you please reduce your message to 140 characters or fewer? Thank you.
Lol. I could break it into a 140 character segments, which might help.
Incidentally, whenever I write "lol", I never actually think "laughing out loud," I just think "lol." So, somehow, I've begun, only online, to very literally lol in response to funny things and then, compoundedly, when thinking about how I don't think "laughing out loud" and I just think "lol," this makes me lol more. At the same time it makes me slightly confused. This is an example of why I think I would be bad at twitter.
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