seriously contemplating getting a facebook account but there seems to be, at this point in time (both my existence and facebook's) literally no way for me to do such a thing without a great deal of skepticism and confusion, if not for others, then at least for me
thinking about the factory i saw in england that is on the cover of pink floyd's Animals album and can't figure out why i feel the need to tell someone i saw the factory on the cover of pink floyd's Animals album
ever since like four or five years ago when i realized that every social encounter/conversation i participated in somehow involved me thinking about how to talk about myself and how disgusting i found that, at some like vague point, i now no longer know how to communicate with people except by asking them a lot of questions about themselves
considering getting a twitter account and writing things like, How does this work? Can someone help me make this work? etc, for the duration of the account's existence
will technology or nature win?
wife baked a chocolate-coffee cake for my birthday and all night i kept saying and thinking, i'm looking forward to that cake with like a lot of milk. dog ate 3/4s of cake and lived and so we all got a piece.
farting wars with wife
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