Monday, November 17, 2008

a fire drill made me find this

a fire drill made me leave my building and find the following note on the ground:

hey baby,
whats up? not much here just sittin in algebra bein bored its about leavin at 1:00 i'm not supposed to leave till 1:30 but i didnt take a shower oranything this mornin i just got up went home seen that Chris was still there went in got my backpack and walked back out out i love you so much baby im so happy and i hope you are too i just wanted to write you a note i thought it would be cute [indecipherable language/symbol] but i'm not sure what else to say except i love you more than life itself and i hope youre havin a good day and can't wait to see you at like 7:00 or so but I LOVE YOU! bye baby

really, without the punctuation, it's quite good. now i'm going to write a fiction story based on this note:

She wrote him a note. Then she died.

i feel mean. that is all.


Unknown said...

I like it. By the way, the word I had to type in the "word verification" field in order to post this comment was pergedat.
pergedat - what a recently self-indulgent teen might read in a note from her undereducated bulimia-enabling peer.

Ella Fits Gerald said...

i didn't realize there were older posts. Now i know why people read blogs.
Actually, I don't know why people read blogs generally. But if people are reading this one, i know why.

alan rossi said...

i somehow never replied to corey's thing. i thought i had. i want to use 'bulimia-enabling' very soon in reaction to someone's eating habits. corey, i need to email you, i hope you are not out of the country yet.

greg, yes, older posts. i think i've grown radically since this post.