Friday, March 5, 2010


i want to learn how to not want. i think the only thing getting in the way of myself right now is wanting too much. i ate an enormous red-velvet cupcake and had serious feelings of being a failure. i have been in something like two real car crashes, i have hit one deer but not killed it, and i have known several people who have gone to jail for writing bad checks - i tell each of these stories when drinking with a great amount of pride, which i then try to conceal. the only thing stopping me from quitting what i'm doing right now is probably cowardice. i'm trying to find a way to turn off my brain and let a story happen. this is the opposite of what i did last semester, which was write in third person. i'm not really sure i can write in the third person, but i spent a year working on it. i have almost nothing to show for that, which i say with a great amount of pride while trying to conceal it. i plan on getting very drunk tomorrow and i'm most looking forward to the hangover, when i can walk through the world with enough connections in my brain burned away that i won't be selfconscious, looking at myself looking. if i could burn enough of my brain away, i once believed, i could live sort of like a monk, only i wouldn't have to do as much work to get there. it was such a bad lie. then my body started feeling really bad and i gave all that up pretty quick. if i would've properly rehabed my sprained ankles i wouldn't have had to sit out a month from running and both my achilles wouldn't feel like they're about to snap now. the days are getting longer and the trees are beginning their budding just because, i'm trying to watch without watching.


Anonymous said...

alan, man, it's been too long.

damn, what a post. you make the posts on my blog look pathetic.

i spent most of a year working on nothing but a novel. ended at 305 pages. sent out queries, partials, and the full thing to agents. i got out a lot of bad writing that year and then took off about five years before writing again (in late 08).

i love the idea of looking forward to a hangover. man, that is a cool concept for one character's movivation.

alan rossi said...

it has. and it's my fault. turned reclusive this fall and winter. i'm getting myself back in it though, i think.

i read your piece in 3am and smiled my entire way through it. excellent.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, man, thrilled to hear you liked the 3:AM piece. The good folks in my fictionaut workshoppy group edited the f out of this story and made me happy to have them looking out for me.

Indeed, it's been too long. And, yeah, I know what you mean about commenting on certain stories after others have. I sometimes feel the same way, unsure if adding "I liked it" is really doing anyone any good.

I'll be checking in now and then. Ha, I turn reclusive all the time. I think it's in our DNA.