Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tree of Life as prayer

A very fine review of Malick's new film. my favorite director by far, and the reviews are very positive right now. so excited. Ebert calls the film a prayer; i've thought of Malick's movies as meditations. not in that they "think" or "concentrate" or even "explore" a particular subject, but that they vibrate with the aliveness of awe toward all things, an experience similar to meditation.


Ravi Mangla said...

Can't wait for this. Never seen a Malick film on the big screen, only DVD - I imagine it'll be a whole different experience.

alan rossi said...

exactly - has to be on a big screen. i missed the new world in theaters, but i was lucky enough to see the thin red line on the big screen. a complete experience. having a hard time waiting, too.